Partnering with Communities

Partnering with Communities is at the heart of everything we do. Not only do the solar projects bring much needed benefits but we also partner with the local community leadership to help them meet the needs of their community in other ways. In Nahata Dziil, we are proud to provide warm winter gloves to the elementary school children.

Wood for Life

We are proud to partner with the Nahata Dziil Commission Governance (NDCG) and the Wood for Life program. Wood for Life provides valuable firewood to Native American communities and PDE is helping create a much-needed wood bank at the NDCG Chapter house.

This wood comes from cleaning and thinning out the national forests in Northern Arizona, making them healthier and reducing forest fires. Previously, it was discarded, but now is donated to… and saving lives in… Native American communities through the Wood For Life program.

learn more about the team.

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