Expertise You Can Trust.

The PDE brand promise and mission-driven approach has attracted some of the best and brightest from inside and outside the solar industry. Our team has, collectively, over 30+ years of experience in developing and interconnecting solar projects all over the world. Below are some of the completed projects our team has been involved with developing.


Central Valley Solar Farm

Tranquility Solar Farm

Zhang Bei Solar Farm

Native American Nations

We specialize in creating energy infrastructure, energy independence, and energy income for Native American Nations and Communities. Significant community income is generated by generous lease terms, sometimes 4-5x what is available from traditional approaches like grazing or farming. Bonds are in place at the start of the projects that will fund returning the land to its original condition at the end of the lease, if desired.

PDE has the understanding and the relationships to help move projects along to completion. Because PDE is focused on operating and maintaining the finished project, Native American Nations do not have to worry about it being “sold out from underneath them”. PDE views these projects as long term partnerships.

Solutions for your energy needs.

learn more about the team.

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