Painted Desert Energy is a Mission-Driven Company

What does that mean? Our mission is to partner with communities and help them participate in the new solar revolution that is taking place across the country. We have a particular interest in partnering with Native American Nations as well as small, rural communities across the Southwest. Many Native American Nations and small, rural communities can see the headlines of how solar energy is sweeping the nation (and the world) but do not have the resources nor the expertise to develop something so large and complex. They can see a fundamental shift happening in the world but have no idea how to “get into the game”. Painted Desert Energy brings years of experience and expertise, relationships with utilities and investors and the know how to get it done. We like to partner with these communities so they can participate in the solar revolution.

Your Vision is Our Vision

Some Indigenous communities may be interested in taking partial, or complete, ownership of a utility-scale solar project after it is developed and operating. Others may simply want to participate in the lease and tax revenues as well as the jobs these large-scale projects create…and leave the headaches of operation and maintenance to PDE. Either way, PDE can make that happen.

Rural U.S. communities are less likely to want to take ownership but definitely want to participate in the jobs and community revenue that are generated by utility-scale solar development.

We Partner To Provide Real Opportunity for Communities

No matter what kind of community we partner with, PDE is committed to helping that local community participate in ALL the benefits of income, jobs and tax revenues that come along with these large, utility-scale projects. Our objective is to hire as many local people as possible and not simply “drop in” crews from other areas. We also create an Opportunity Fund, typically in the millions ($USD), that we use with local community leaders to generate further growth in the community. This growth can take the form of additional job training for local residents (the world is going “all electric” and will needs thousands upon thousands of electricians and electrical engineers), first-responder infrastructure (like fire houses), improvements to schools, and/or scholarships so their children can go to University or Community College.

As we work with these communities we hear over and over again: “we need jobs” …and “our children have all moved away because there is nothing here for them.” All these initiatives can help turn a community from someplace that young people want to move away from to a viable, thriving community that young people want to stay in…or move back to.

This isn’t a handout…it’s a helping hand; to partner with communities and contribute resources they don’t have…yet. Together we can generate green energy that helps save the planet…and generate positive impact for their community.

Our Brand Promise says it all: Turning Power Into Positive Energy

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